The color black is the color of sophistication. Not everyone understands its refined beauty but those who have personality color black do. According to psychology of color, people with black color personality have following characteristics:
- serious,
- confident,
- strong,
- decisive,
- emotionally contained,
- introverted.
If you love black and often wear black, you might have issues with people who tend to assign negative meanings to this color. Since they assign such deep and negative meaning to your choice of color, they may misinterpret your personality and emotional state.
This isn’t to suggest that you should change your colors. It’s just like people who don’t like rain. They just don’t get it but it is their issue. There are people who find rain incredibly relaxing, they feel better, stronger, they actually restore when it rains. Bob Marley said: “Some people FEEL the rain. Other just get wet.” Same with black color. If it makes you feel stronger, more attractive and more confident, by all means wear it!
Since personality color black was described by color psychologists as decisive, powerful and confident, people with this personality type will make excellent leaders or entrepreneurs.
Source: http://psychologia.co/personality-color-black/
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