Jumat, 15 Mei 2015


Gold individuals have the temperament with the highest percentage in the total population— nearly half. They are the ones who act as the steadying element in our society. Today, our society is in an ever-accelerating state of change. Without the Gold's stabilizing effect, can you imagine the chaos our lives would be in?
Golds tend to use more concrete words rather than abstract ones. At social gatherings they tend to talk about their everyday lives, the happenings at work and about their families rather than new and different ideas.

Golds tend to find satisfaction in doing work that involve details. They do well in accounting. They are good at assembly work where quality control is important. Much of the detail work of an architect would be Gold in nature. They fill jobs from the most basic to the highest level of intellectual capacity. They just feel more comfortable with what they can see and touch.
The Gold symbol is a check mark, indicating another item checked off their "to do" list. The colour Gold denotes security. Gold is also a precious metal indicating worth and value. The special skill Golds have is logistics: getting the right things to the right people at the right time, and not getting them to the wrong people.
The animal metaphor representing Golds is the beaver that industriously keeps working the whole day long. “Be prepared” is their motto. When thinking of the future, they want to be prepared for any contingency.
The main thing that separates the different temperaments is their behaviour which is in turn influenced by their core needs. One core need of Golds is to belong. They need to know where they stand in the hierarchy of a group. Even being at the bottom of the ladder is better than being an outsider. They form the backbone of institutions. They fill the places of worship, the service clubs and businesses. Having a title is important and they respect the office even though they may not particularly admire the person holding the position. That is why family is so important to them. They know they belong to that clan or tribe.
As learners Golds are more interested in the facts rather than ideas. They want the details. They prefer that the teacher just tell them what they need to know. Having to do research and find out on their own can leave Golds feeling that they might miss out on something that the teacher expects them to know. They like learning in groups but expect the group to conform so that the task is completed. The majority of elementary teachers are Golds and they get along well with their Gold charges that follow the rules.
During their teen years Golds take on increasing responsibility. They will want to get jobs to save for their future such as their further education. They will have their rebellious times but these don’t tend to last as long as they might for other temperaments. They need to feel grown up and they want to take their place in society.
As adults Golds like the predictability of life patterns. They grow up, get a job, find a mate, raise a family, and if all goes well, they'll live long and prosperous lives with a loving family at their bedside when they pass on. Another aphorism they live by is: “Hope for the best but expect the worst.”

Golds expect to be held accountable and to take responsibility. They cheerfully shoulder the load that they know needs to be done. They just know someone is going to come along and ask them if they have finished some specific project and they want to be able to say that it is done. They are not going to be found wanting. They take on serious responsibilities even though they may grumble about being put upon by others; but when it is suggested that they should let others do it, they will say it's all right, they'll do it. They want to see that it gets done when it should and it gets done right.
This temperament is concerned about the welfare of people and will look after the physical needs of one another. It's not that the other temperaments don't also share. It is more that they don't always see the physical needs of others. Some societies have elevated sharing as a sacred duty. Not to provide shelter to even their enemy is considered a grievous fault in some cultures.
As lovers and spouses Golds value family life and take pride in caring for their families both by earning money to maintain the home and by looking after the needs of family members. Often they are attracted to Orange lovers who provide a vicarious excitement in their lives. The Orange lover benefits by having a stabilizing partner. Unfortunately, Golds like to make their lovers over in their own image. The partner will only tolerate this to a certain level and then quarrel or leave. Golds would be better off if they could learn to appreciate the differences of others and accept them as they are. This allows people to become all that they can be rather than wasting their energies trying to live up to someone else's standards. 

Source: http://users.trytel.com/~jfalt/Temp/pd-full.html


red paint swatches
The meanings of red and people's reactions to it tend to be fairly consistent across all age groups and cultures. Psychologists and researchers agree that Red is a color which stirs up passion, with both negative and positive color meanings. We think of Red as the color of both Cupid and the Devil. It's the color associated with both Love and War.
Pure Red is the hottest of all the Primary Colors. It's the most visually stimulating, most intense color on the Basic Color Wheel.
In fact, Red is so intense that people suffering from temporary blindness due to a brain injury will begin to perceive red long before they see any other colors.
Women seem to be more attracted to cool Reds which lean toward Violet. This range of preferences spans all the way from Cherry Red toward Magenta and Fuschia. When lots of white is added to these Reds to create Cool Pastel Pinks, the meanings of red changes dramatically. The subconscious and conscious reactions shift toward the soft and ultra-feminine the paler the tint becomes.
Men, on the other hand, generally prefer warm Reds which lean toward Orange.This range of preference begins somewhere near Tomato Red and goes all the way toward Indian Red and Brick. When Black or Grey is added to create Warm Shades and Tones, the resulting Reddish Browns are very earthy and masculine.
In my paint swatches above you can see how Red, a Primary Color can be varied by adding more Violet or more Orange. Each one of these swatches still belongs to the Red Hue family even though they've been mixed. The meanings of red can change quite dramatically depending on how intense or how light it is.
Notice also that mixing in more Orange makes the Red lighter. More Violet makes the Red darker. That's before mixing in any white, grey or black to tone down the brightness.
When choosing color schemes be careful about how much Red you use. A little can go a long way. It makes such a bold statement at full strength. The meanings of red are so strongly ingrained that you're wise to limit its use as an accent color. Or you can lower it's intensity with other colors.

Positive Meanings of Red

  • Virility, Sex
  • Passion, Love
  • Heat, Daring
  • Boldness, Independence
  • Action, Dynamism
  • Energy, Speed
  • Attention Grabbing, Sexy
  • Fun, Excitement
  • Vigor, Vitality
  • Courage, Strength

Negative Meanings of Red

  • Danger, Evil
  • Aggression, Anger
  • Violence, Death
  • Blood, Martyrdom
  • War, Revolution

Source:  http://www.color-wheel-artist.com/meanings-of-red.html

The Color Gray


Gray Color Meaning

The color gray is an unemotional color. It is detached, neutral, impartial and indecisive. From a color psychology perspective, the color is a compromise – it is either black or white. It is the transition between the 2 colors. The closer the gray comes to black, the more dramatic and mysterious it becomes. The gray color meaning is more luminous and vivid, the closer it comes to silver or white. The gray color is quite boring when it stands alone.
Since gray is both motionless and unemotional, it is also very solid and stable, which creates a sense of calmness. It is subdued, quiet and reserved, not particularly energetic or exciting. In the world of colors, gray is conservative, boring, sad and depressing on one hand, but elegant and formal on the other hand. However, it is never very glamorous.

Explore gray color meaning

Gray is conventional, reliable and practical. It is a mature and responsible color, often associated with the gray hair and old age. It will never be in the center of attention, the dynamic leader or the director – it’s too safe and dimmed for that. Gray can strangle and suppress energy, but it also provides a stable base, that can contribute with new and positive energy.
Gray is very controlled. It has a stabilizing effect on other colors it comes in contact with, downplaying the stronger and brighter colors and enlightening the softer colors. The gray color is rarely a perfect blend of black and white. It often has elements of other colors, such as blue, green, pink, purple or yellow in it, which uplifts and activates it.

Mix the color gray with other colors

Too much gray invokes sadness and depression, and a tendency to loneliness and isolation. Adding some color changes gray color meaning. Most people do not care about the color gray. In some companies employees wear gray suits, which are conservative, reliable, formal, independent – and maybe just a little boring.

Gray shades

Light gray is relaxing and soothing. It can help in difficult life situations.
Dark gray is serious, solemn and inflexible. It is associated with self-denial and self-discipline.

This is how the color gray affects you

  • Emphasize the will to obey
  • Creates expectations
  • Reduces energy from other colors
  • Provides a sense of isolation and alienation
Source: http://www.color-meanings.com/gray-color-meaning-the-color-gray/

Color Brown

  People who prefer brown are often conventional and orderly. The negative meaning of brown can be a repressed personality or a lazy person. Brown is the color of the earth and is associated with the material side of life.

Brown Energy

Brown can mix into many surroundings. It is a mixture of red, blue and yellow and has many shades and tones - each producing a different effect. Brown can be a stabilizing color. The red in brown gives it practical energy while the yellow and blue add mental focus energies. Too much brown can make a dull effect. Brown gives a feeling of solidity, and allows one to stay in the background, unnoticed.
Some shades of brown create a warm, comfortable feeling of wholesomeness, naturalness and dependability.
Put some brown in your life when you want:
  • a solid wholesome feeling
  • to blend with the background
  • a connection with natural earth and the stability this brings
  • orderliness and convention
Source: https://crystal-cure.com/brown.html 

Color Black

The color black is the color of sophistication. Not everyone understands its refined beauty but those who have personality color black do. According to psychology of color, people with black color personality have following characteristics:
  • serious,
  • confident,
  • strong,
  • decisive,
  • emotionally contained,
  • introverted.
It is interesting to note that black color is not treated as ordinary color by different cultures and even different people within same culture. Usually it is assigned deeper meaning than other colors. For example, some may see it as a color of mourning, hence for them it is associated with sadness. Others see it as a color of mystery, think dark sunglasses, cars with tinted windows, mysterious stranger on black horse and black cats. Some believe it can enhance sexual attractiveness; many women prefer black lingerie. And yet there are some others who wear black as a sign of rebellion.
Personality Color Black
The color black is loved by fashionists, who rather want to emphasize the cut of the garment than its color. Some people will wear black tight clothes to show off their fit body. Black makes you instantly slimmer.
If you love black and often wear black, you might have issues with people who tend to assign negative meanings to this color. Since they assign such deep and negative meaning to your choice of color, they may misinterpret your personality and emotional state.
This isn’t to suggest that you should change your colors. It’s just like people who don’t like rain. They just don’t get it but it is their issue. There are people who find rain incredibly relaxing, they feel better, stronger, they actually restore when it rains. Bob Marley said: “Some people FEEL the rain. Other just get wet.” Same with black color. If it makes you feel stronger, more attractive and more confident, by all means wear it!
Since personality color black was described by color psychologists as decisive, powerful and confident, people with this personality type will make excellent leaders or entrepreneurs. 

Source: http://psychologia.co/personality-color-black/

Blue Colour

The Colour Blue is part of my Colour Meanings series...
As I am English, I use the spelling of 'colour' throughout my website, rather than the American version of 'color'.

Favourite Colour of Blue

If your favourite colour is blue you are likely to display at least some character qualities of the colour personality linked to blue. You may also hold some of the more negative character traits associated with the meaning of blue.

Blue Meaning

Blue is the coolest of colours and is the colour of the sky and the oceans. It is the most favoured of all colours. The meaning of blue is that of calmness, cleanliness, communication and clarity. A blue colour meaning is often explained as that most associated with wisdom, loyalty, faith and truth.

Blue Colour Personality

The blue colour meaning linked to personality explains the character traits most associated with people who have blue as a favourite colour. 
Blue Rose 03So if you have a blue colour personality you have the ability to read people. You can immediately tell if you can trust someone and if their motives are honest. You are a very good judge of character and will not be taken advantage of.
You are a very honest, straight forward and trustworthy person and can be relied upon to do the right thing. You have strong moral values and expect the same of others.
You are a master communicator and will always flourish in careers that need good communication. Writing, speaking and even through art and music you are able to get your message across.
You need and seek out calmness and harmony and avoid over dramatic and over exuberant people and circumstances.
If you have blue as a favourite colour you are quite cautious and conservative and always look before you leap. You are measured and controlled and will think things through before acting, reacting or interacting with others.
As a partner you are loving, loyal and open in your communication. Honesty and truthfulness are paramount to you and you would not tolerate an unfaithful partner.
On the downside of a blue colour personality you can be too talkative and lack listening skills.
With blue as a favourite colour you may also have a tendency to have unrealistic expectations of others.
You may also be prone to feeling down, depressed or sad.

If you have blue as a favourite colour then you will need to communicate clearly all your thoughts, feelings or ideas with others. Do this coolly, clearly and keep to the point.

A need for calmness is also called for in your life so find some time to de-stress.
You possibly will have to deal with some challenging issues but nothing you cannot handle, if you keep your cool and articulate your thoughts clearly.
Place all your cards on the table and expect others to be just as open in return.
Be very open and receptive to learning new things especially in regard to how you can further help people with your natural talents. Keep your eyes, ears and mind open to new opportunities that may very well appear ‘Out of the Blue!’ 

Source:  http://www.alizons-psychic-secrets.com/blue-meaning.html

Pink Color Meaning – The Color Pink

Pink Color MeaningThe color pink represents caring, compassion and love. The pink color stands for unconditional love and understanding, and is associated with giving and receiving care. Since pink is a combination of red and white, both colors add a little to its characteristics. It gets the lust for action from the red color, and the white color gives it an opportunity to achieve success and insight. Passion and power from the color red, softened with the purity and openness of the white color completes pink color meaning. The deeper the pink color, the more passion and energy it radiates.
Pink is romantic and intimate, feminine, loving, caring and extremely considerate. It tones down the physical passion from the red color and replaces it with a gentle and loving energy. The color pink is insightful and intuitive and it shows tenderness and kindness from its empathetic and sensitive nature.
In color psychology, pink is a sign of hope. It is a positive color that inspires warm and comforting feelings. The color pink gives the feeling that everything will go well or be okay. Most people have heard of the saying “everything is rosy”. It may also indicate good health and success.

Explore pink color meaning

The pink color has a calming effect on our emotional energies and can relieve feelings of anger, aggression and neglect. There are studies confirming that high amounts of pink color can have a calming effect on the nerves and even create physical weakness in people. Pink has successfully treated violent and aggressive prisoners by placing them in rooms with pink walls over a certain period of time. Overexposure to the color may have the opposite effect though.
Pink helps people get in touch with their thoughtful and caring side, either through the need to receive, give or care for others. Please pay attention if you have a friend who often wears pink, as it may indicate a need to be accepted, supported and loved.

The color pink takes us back to our childhood

The color pink represents the sweet and innocent in children and our inner child. It is the color that symbolizes uncomplicated emotions, inexperience and naivety. The pink color can also take you back to your childhood memories, often associated with care and thoughtfulness from your mother or a maternal figure.
The negative side of pink color meaning is that it may represent a lack of willpower, self-confidence and self-esteem. It can indicate a sensitive and overly cautious nature. If you use the color pink too frequently, or only wear pink clothes, it can make you immature, silly and girlish, and make you forget your responsibility as an adult.
To make the color pink stronger and more sophisticated, you may want to combine it with darker colors like dark blue, dark green, black or gray.

Pink shades

Skin color is a very pale pink color that has sensual and sexual connotations. It gives a lacking feeling of passion and energy.
Rose pink is the universal color of love. It is mature, feminine and intuitive.
Hot pink is passionate, playful, sensual and loving. It radiates warmth, joy and a love for life.

This is how the color pink affects you

  • Like the color red, pink can increase energy, blood pressure, pulse and cause palpitations
  • Pink may also give you peace, relaxation and satisfaction
  • It eliminates erratic disorders
Source:  http://www.color-meanings.com/pink-color-meaning-the-color-pink/